• Johann Sebastian Bach was born in Eisenach, the capital of the duchy of SaxeEisenach, in presentday Germany, on 21 March 1685 O. He was the son of Johann Ambrosius Bach, the director of the town musicians, and Maria Elisabeth Lmmerhirt. He was the eighth and youngest child of Johann Ambrosius, who likely taught him violin and basic music theory. Johann Sebastian Bach (March 21, 1685 July 28, 1750) is considered by many to have been the greatest composer in the history of western music. Bach Works Catalog, a Directory of Internet Resources, Recommended Recordings, MIDI Files, RealAudio Files, Images, Icons, Links, and a Monthly Bach Quiz and CD Giveaway. Original MIDI Files, Images, RealAudio Files, Recommended Recordings, a Bach Works Catalog, Links, and More Johann Sebastian Bach (composer ) Play streams in full or download MP3 from Classical Archives the largest and best organized classical music site on the web. Biography, musicologyand essential works. Provides information, midi and mp3 files on Johann Sebastian Bach. Thank you for your interest in our Biography of J S Bach. The authors are Michael and Lawrence Sartorius. This Biography began life in 1964 as part of an extensive booklet to accompany an 18LP series of Bach's organ music performed by the Swiss organist, Lionel Rogg. The complete Johann Sebastian Bach. An extensive biography, tour of Bach's life in Germany, catalog of his works, bibliography, recommended recordings, and other Bach resources on the web. This awardwinning site is maintained by Jan Hanford in North Amercia and Jan Koster in Europe. Biography; Bibliography; Tourist Guide; Portraits. Note: The above sites by Jan Koster will take you from jsbach. org to his site in The Netherlands. Bach: Mass in B minor, BWV 232 Agnus Dei In this video: Andreas Scholl, countertenor Collegium Vocale Gent, Conducted by Philippe Herreweghe Harmonia. Johann Sebastian Bach special pages, contain 1, 500 selected MIDI files, a (very) large biography from Grove, some rare images, an inclusive bibliography, fugue analysis and texts. Altri progetti Wikisource Wikiquote Wikimedia Commons Wikisource contiene una pagina dedicata a Johann Sebastian Bach Wikiquote contiene citazioni di o su Johann Sebastian Bach Wikimedia Commons contiene immagini o altri file su Johann Sebastian Bach Collegamenti esterni [modifica modifica wikitesto (EN) Spartiti liberi di Johann Sebastian Bach, in International Music Score. JeanSbastien Bach nat Eisenach le 21 mars 1685, selon le calendrier julien alors en usage Eisenach [9, [10. La famille Bach est rpute pour ses musiciens, car les Bach qui pratiquent cette profession l'poque sont dj au nombre de plusieurs dizaines [11, exerant comme musiciens de cour, de ville ou d'glise dans la rgion de Thuringe. Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Weitere Bedeutungen sind unter Johann Sebastian Bach (Begriffsklrung) aufgefhrt. If you are a fan of JS Bach's vast range of music then this is the set you need as a foundation for your Bach collection. True it is that some specific recordings now avaiilable may be better or different but this collection of 142 disks is a grand total of Bachs works, from his cantata's, his chamber music, his orchestral suites and his grand organ music. BWV 243a ArcaDellaMemoria: Video. Bach Magnificat BWV 243 Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra and Choi Johann Sebastian Bach (Eisenach, 21 maart 1685 Leipzig, 28 juli 1750) was een Duitse componist van barokmuziek, organist, klavecinist, violist, muziekpedagoog en dirigent. Hij wordt door de meeste muziekwetenschappers beschouwd als een van de grootste en invloedrijkste componisten uit de geschiedenis van de klassieke muziek vanwege de inventiviteit waarmee hij melodie, harmonie en. The Bach Cantatas Website (BCW) is a comprehensive site covering all aspects of J. Bach's cantatas and his other vocal works and many of his instrumental works. BWV numbers for works are from: Wolfgang Schmieder, Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke von Johann Sebastian Bach (Leipzig, 1950; revised 1990, 1998) Complete works organized into 13 groups for download. (Individual works may be downloaded via the catalog or search pages) The links below are to. zip archives containing 256kbps AAC encoded versions of the recordings. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Die MatthusPassion, BWV 244, ist eine oratorische Passion von Johann Sebastian Bach. Der Bericht vom Leiden und Sterben Jesu Christi nach dem Evangelium nach Matthus bildet das Rckgrat. Ergnzt wird er um eingestreute Passionschorle und erbauliche Dichtungen von Picander in freien Chren und Arien. Die MatthusPassion und die JohannesPassion sind die beiden einzigen vollstndig.