El Boeing 747, comnmente apodado Jumbo, es un avin comercial transcontinental de fuselaje ancho fabricado por Boeing. Es conocido por su gran tamao (fue el mayor avin de pasajeros durante ms de tres dcadas hasta que la compaa Airbus cre el A380), [6 y est entre los aviones ms famosos del mundo. [7 Realiz su primer vuelo comercial en 1970 y fue el primer avin con. Il 747 venne concepito durante l'incremento del traffico aereo verificatosi negli anni sessanta e rivoluzionato dalla grande popolarit acquisita dal Boeing 707 e dal Douglas DC8 Gi prima dell'estromissione dal programma CXHLS la Boeing, pressata dal presidente della Pan American World Airways Juan Trippe, aveva iniziato a pensare a un aereo grande almeno il doppio del 707, conscia. Boeing management was said to have bet the company on the idea that the future of commercial travel was the jet transport. The bet paid off with the pioneering 707. El Boeing 707 (pronunciado siete cero siete y seven O seven en ingls) es un avin comercial cuatrimotor de reaccin desarrollado por Boeing a principios de los aos 1950. Aunque no fue la primera aeronave comercial a reaccin en servicio (esa distincin le corresponde al De Havilland Comet) s fue, junto al Caravelle francs, la primera exitosa comercialmente. Boeing 707: Pioneer Jetliner (Jetliner History) [Rene Francillon on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. One of the most influential jetliners in the history of air travel is treated to firstclass accommodations in this complete design and development history. Francillon profiles the use of the Boeing 707 and includes coverage of 707 and 720 development The Boeing Company ( b o. ) is an American multinational corporation that designs, manufactures, and sells airplanes, rotorcraft, rockets, satellites, and missiles worldwide. The company also provides leasing and product support services. Boeing is among the largest global aircraft manufacturers; it is the secondlargest defense contractor in the world based on 2015 revenue, and. boeing 707 (boeing 720) aircraft history information facts and pictures Tokyo Haneda is the latest airport to play host to an increasingly familiar scene in recent times saying goodbye to the Boeing 747. On Saturday, it was Cathay Pacifics turn to This site is all about the Boeing 747 from the early history of the to the current 7478i and the experimental planes. Boeing 707 Un ancien B de la Qantas appartenant John Travolta, au salon du Bourget de 2007 Il Boeing 7478 un aereo di linea a fusoliera larga sviluppato dalla Boeing. Ufficialmente annunciato nel 2005, il 7478 la terza generazione del Boeing 747, questa versione infatti vanta delle ali riprogettate, una fusoliera allungata e una maggiore efficienza. Il 7478, la pi grande versione del 747, l'aereo commerciale pi grande mai costruito negli Stati Uniti e l'aereo. Qantas announced that it will retire its final six Boeing s by 2020. The first Boeing 747s entered service with Qantas back in 1971. The 747 will be replaced by six additional Boeing 7879. 1970, Boeing 747, McDonnell Douglas DC10, Lockheed L1011 TriStar. The Boeing 707 is a jet airliner. It was made by Boeing Commercial Airplanes from 1958 until 1979. It only has two rows of seats, which means it is a narrowbody plane. The name is often said as Seven Oh Seven. Le 747 a t conu pour rpondre laccroissement du transport arien dans les annes 1960, la suite du succs des Boeing 707 et Douglas DC8 qui taient les prcurseurs des voyages grande distance par avions raction. Boeing avait dj dvelopp un projet d'avion gros porteur pour rpondre un appel doffres de larme amricaine [7. Inside the Boeing Renton Factory. Home of the 737, The Worlds Most Popular Jet. How much do I, a Boeing 747 pilot, love the plane that I fly? It's tough, and maybe a little embarrassing, to answer. Boeing 7478 uma aeronave widebody quadrimotor desenvolvida pela Boeing. Anunciado oficialmente em 2005, o 7478 a terceira gerao de Boeing 747, com fuselagem alongada, asas redesenhadas e melhor eficincia. O 7478 a maior verso do Boeing 747, maior avio comercial construdo nos Estados Unidos, e o avio comercial mais longo do mundo, juntamente com o Airbus A. Boeing 747 uma aeronave a jato usada no mbito civil e militar para transporte de passageiros e de carga, referida com frequncia como Jumbo Jet ou Queen of the Skies (Rainha dos Cus). A sua corcunda na parte superior frontal da fuselagem faz com que seja uma das aeronaves mais reconhecveis do mundo, [3 sendo tambm a primeira do gnero produzida em massa. The Boeing 707 is a midsized, longrange, narrowbody, fourengine jet airliner built by Boeing Commercial Airplanes from 1958 to 1979. Its name is commonly pronounced as seven oh seven. Versions of the aircraft have a capacity from 140 to 219 passengers and a range of 2, 500 to 5, 750 nautical miles (2, 880 to 6, 620 mi; 4, 630 to 10, 650 km). Developed as Boeing's first jet airliner, the 707.